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Petoskey Emmet County History Binder 3 

Binder 3 Title Page And Index


- Petoskey History Binder


Ancient Discovery


- Petoskey's Ancient Discoveries

- Civil War Rifle Petoskey Ancient


Bridges & Roads


- Mitchell Road

- Mitchell Street Bridge




- 1 x-inch Dahigren, No 249, cast in 1859

- 4.2 inch Army Parrott Riffle 1862

- 1863 Hooper Napoleon Cannon

- Arlington Park Cannon

- Iron Napoleon Howitzer Restored

- Napoleon 12-Pounder, Model 1857




- Greenwood Cemetery Vault and Chapel 

- Greenwood Cemetery Wreaths Across America

- Old Indian Cemetery



County Home


- Emmet County Home for the poor and aged




- Emmet County Fair Petoskey Sept 15,16,17,18, 1908

- Emmet County First County Fair 1882

- Emmet County Second County Fair 1883

- Merry-Go-Round

- Young Buffalo's Wild West Show 1910




- Bear River Valley pre-1900 Era

- City Folk Helped Pioneers During Storm, 1877

- Early Days by Henry McConnell

- Early Days by R.H. Little 1873-1874

- Ex-Resident Baron Walter Kephart

- History Petoskey by Harriet Kilborn

- History Radio Station WBBP 1923-1928

- Historical Area Designated




- Lockwood-MacDonald Hospital




Hunting & Fishing


-Fish Hatchery

-Hunting & Fishing (This & That)

-Outer's Rifle Club

-Petoskey Antler Club


Light House & Docks


- McGulpin Point Lighthouse

- Petoskey Breakwater

- Skillagalee Island Lighthouse

- Lighthouse & Breakwater

- Petoskey City Dock




- Little Traverse Bay Bands, Odawa




- Emmet Roadside Park Rotary Park

- Mineral Well Park

- Petoskey City Park aka Swan Lake City Park

- Wilderness State Park


Pest House


- Petoskey Pet House


Poor Farm


- Emmet County Poor Farm and Cemetery




- Arendall's Drug Store

- Barber's Pharmacy - M.A. Barber, Propr. 

- Bower's Drug Store

- Central Drug Store




- The Saville Sanitarium








The following information is an on-going project composed and researched by our society. 

If you wish to add any addition or new information to this project,

please send


We invite any questions or comments.

Emmet County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 2476 | Petoskey, MI 49770

Have a question? Need help with your research? Contact us at:

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